People and Organisations.
There are no buildings without people and institutions. Many people and organisations are involved in shaping the modern built heritage of Singapore. Besides architects and designers, there are other individuals like builders, engineers, clients, patrons, writers, publicists, and advocates. Individuals often belong to different types of organisations. These organisations—both public and private—are key to the construction and destruction, maintenance and neglect of our modern built heritage. In this page, we celebrate those who have played important constructive roles in the past.
Do you see any significant individual(s) or organisation(s) missing from this list? Please let us know here.

Asian Planning and Architectural Collaboration (APAC)
APAC was building up a resistance against the uniformity of globalisation and the linguistic games of post-modernism at that time. Second, CIAM and the modern movement remained the counterpoint for APAC, and this brought APAC much closer to ethos of Team 10, where there was a persistent search for the a more humanist form of architecture.

Kumpulan Akitek
The firm has its origin as C. A. V. Chew and Partners that was founded by Victor Chew (b. 1928) in 1958. It was renamed as Kumpulan Akitek, which means an “ensemble of architects” in Malay in 1964 following the merger of Singapore and Malaysia in 1963.